
Mark Frazier 18-10-2023
Mark Frazier



大丽花是一种可以使许多环境得到装饰的花,特别是花园。 如果你正在寻找一个完美的选择来装饰你的后院,我相信你会喜欢发现更多关于大丽花的信息。


这些花的外观充满了优雅和柔和,对花园和其他特定场所的装饰非常完美。 这是一种著名的植物,名称为 花园大丽花 的一部分,并且它是 小行星 它们的特点是球茎,体积小,花瓣丰满,体积大。

这种植物是一种原产于墨西哥山区的块茎。 所谓的花,最好是在夏季生长季节较长的潮湿和凉爽地区栽培。 它们需要充分的阳光才能发育。

这些花的特点还在于其多年的生命周期。 它们可以全年开花。 但是,在寒冷的季节需要特别的照顾,比如说。


See_also: 如何一步步种植紫薇花:特性和护理


你需要注意一些种植有关花卉的有趣提示。 遵循以下标准。

See_also: 如何种植简易潘帕斯草(Cortaderia selloana)?


这些花需要充足的光照,最好有专门的花坛。 排水良好的土壤是必不可少的。 然而,这些植物更适应于合理的土壤。 如果土壤压实,可添加更多的沙子,以及名为" "的肥料。 地形 ".





购买较大的块茎,因为这些块茎会开出较大的花朵。 检查这些块茎的健康状况,如果有切口、腐烂或变软的迹象,以及有斑点或充满灰尘的地方等,就要拒绝。


除了矮小的花之外,这些花都需要钉子。 为每株花打一个15厘米的洞,然后你应该把一个坚固的1.5米长的桩子插到至少30厘米深。


将土壤与骨粉和泥炭藓混合。 使用该混合物,这样你就可以覆盖洞口,然后给植物浇水。

如果你想把花种在花盆里,程序是一样的,用木桩把块茎种下去。 种下去后要浇水,如果天气干燥,2天后再浇一次。



Mark Frazier

Mark Frazier is an enthusiastic lover of all things floral and the author behind the blog I Love Flowers. With a keen eye for beauty and a passion for sharing his knowledge, Mark has become a go-to resource for flower enthusiasts of all levels. Mark's fascination with flowers sparked in his childhood, as he spent countless hours exploring the vibrant blooms in his grandmother's garden. Since then, his love for flowers has only blossomed further, leading him to study horticulture and earn a degree in Botany.His blog, I Love Flowers, showcases a wide variety of floral wonders. From classic roses to exotic orchids, Mark's posts feature stunning photos that capture the essence of each bloom. He skillfully highlights the unique characteristics and qualities of every flower he presents, making it easy for readers to appreciate their beauty and unleash their own green thumbs.In addition to showcasing various flower types and their breathtaking visuals, Mark is dedicated to providing practical tips and indispensable care instructions. He believes that anyone can cultivate their own flower garden, regardless of their experience level or space constraints. His easy-to-follow guides outline essential care routines, watering techniques, and suggest suitable environments for each flower species. With his expert advice, Mark empowers readers to nurture and preserve their preciousfloral companions.Beyond the blogosphere, Mark's love for flowers extends into other areas of his life. He frequently volunteers at local botanical gardens, teaching workshops and organizing events to inspire others to embrace the wonders of nature. Additionally, he regularly speaks at gardening conferences, sharing his insights on flower care and offering valuable tips to fellow enthusiasts.Through his blog I Love Flowers, Mark Frazier encourages readers to bring the magic of flowers into their lives. Whether through cultivating small potted plants on a windowsill or transforming an entire backyard into a colorful oasis, he inspires individuals to appreciate and nurture the unending beauty that flowers offer.