如何自制香水? 简单的一步一步的教程

Mark Frazier 18-10-2023
Mark Frazier


自制香水是在家里制作的香水,而不是买现成的。 它们可以由各种天然成分制成,如精油、花和水果提取物以及水。

自制香水一般比买现成的香水要便宜,而且还可以根据你的个人喜好进行定制。 更重要的是,自己制作香水可以成为一种有趣的创意体验。

在开始制作自己的香水之前,你需要记住几件事。 首先,你需要选择你要使用的成分。 确保它们是新鲜的,质量好的,因为这将影响你的香水的味道。

接下来,你需要决定每种成分的正确使用比例。 这将取决于你的个人品味和你试图创造的香水类型。 你可能还想尝试不同的成分组合,看看什么对你最有效。

一旦你有了原料,你就可以开始制作你的香水了。 制作自制香水最简单的方法是使用一个干净的水瓶和一个勺子。 将你的所有原料加入瓶中并搅拌均匀。

搅拌均匀后,将瓶子放在阴凉、黑暗的地方约2周,让成分充分混合。 之后,你就可以享受新鲜、天然的香水了。

⚡️ 走捷径: 如何自制香水教程步骤 在锅中放入水煮沸,然后加入香精,让其煮沸约5分钟,离火并让其冷却,加入伏特加、精油和甘油,将香水装入喷雾瓶中,存放在阴凉处,在使用香水前摇匀瓶子。 如何制作香水自制香水与玫瑰? 教程与香草 自制香水与草药教程一步一步的教程与薰衣草花,你可以用自制香水 如何使自制香水更强大? 问题和答案 销售自制香水的技巧



  • 1杯水
  • 1/2杯您选择的香精
  • 1/4杯伏特加酒
  • 1/4杯精油
  • 1/4杯甘油
  • 1个喷雾瓶





添加到 伏特加 精油和甘油。





See_also: 纸花:折纸和折叠技术
  • 1杯新鲜的玫瑰花
  • 1杯水
  • 1/4杯伏特加酒
  • 1/4杯玫瑰精油
  • 1/4杯甘油
  • 1个带盖空香水瓶

将玫瑰切开,放入容器中,加水静置24小时。 24小时后,加入伏特加、精油和甘油。 搅拌均匀,转移到香水瓶中。 让香水静置2至3周后使用。









See_also: 色彩的力量:水果和蔬菜的着色页



Mark Frazier

Mark Frazier is an enthusiastic lover of all things floral and the author behind the blog I Love Flowers. With a keen eye for beauty and a passion for sharing his knowledge, Mark has become a go-to resource for flower enthusiasts of all levels. Mark's fascination with flowers sparked in his childhood, as he spent countless hours exploring the vibrant blooms in his grandmother's garden. Since then, his love for flowers has only blossomed further, leading him to study horticulture and earn a degree in Botany.His blog, I Love Flowers, showcases a wide variety of floral wonders. From classic roses to exotic orchids, Mark's posts feature stunning photos that capture the essence of each bloom. He skillfully highlights the unique characteristics and qualities of every flower he presents, making it easy for readers to appreciate their beauty and unleash their own green thumbs.In addition to showcasing various flower types and their breathtaking visuals, Mark is dedicated to providing practical tips and indispensable care instructions. He believes that anyone can cultivate their own flower garden, regardless of their experience level or space constraints. His easy-to-follow guides outline essential care routines, watering techniques, and suggest suitable environments for each flower species. With his expert advice, Mark empowers readers to nurture and preserve their preciousfloral companions.Beyond the blogosphere, Mark's love for flowers extends into other areas of his life. He frequently volunteers at local botanical gardens, teaching workshops and organizing events to inspire others to embrace the wonders of nature. Additionally, he regularly speaks at gardening conferences, sharing his insights on flower care and offering valuable tips to fellow enthusiasts.Through his blog I Love Flowers, Mark Frazier encourages readers to bring the magic of flowers into their lives. Whether through cultivating small potted plants on a windowsill or transforming an entire backyard into a colorful oasis, he inspires individuals to appreciate and nurture the unending beauty that flowers offer.