
Mark Frazier 18-10-2023
Mark Frazier



众所周知,鸢尾花是自然界中最精致和美丽的物种之一。 这种植物经常与其他兰花混淆,它有特殊的细节,有不同的色调,从白色到蓝色。 这种花非常适合巴西的气候,如果你想用一种精致的物种来加强你的花园,它可能是完美的选择、为此,请看如何照顾这种花,如何确保它总是美丽和健康。

See_also: 如何种植诗人的茉莉花(Jasminum polyanthum)?
学名 德国鸢尾花
流行的名字 鸢尾花,芙蓉花,鸢尾花-巴比伦
家庭 鸢尾花科
来源 欧洲
循环 多年生
技术和栽培数据表 ⚡️ 走捷径: 选择正确的鸢尾花类型要注意什么?


与自然界中的大多数花卉不同,鸢尾花之间有200多种不同的变化。 虽然它们大多是紫色或蓝色的花朵,有大约3片花瓣,但如果你的目的是为了拥有一株健康的植物,每种类型的鸢尾花都有独特的特点和护理方法,应该注意。



如果每个物种都有独特的特征,谈论对这种花的护理似乎是矛盾的,但事实是,对大多数物种来说,一些护理是共同的。 考虑到巴西是一个热带国家,你也有必要优先考虑适应这种气候的变化,如Iris sibirica, from 路易斯安那州 斑纹 考虑到这一点,一些关键的谨慎措施包括:




如果你住的地方冬天比较温和,夏天比较长,甚至4月也是种植这种花的好时机。 在其他情况下,2月至3月期间往往更适合。



说到根茎,在种植鸢尾花时,必须让根茎部分暴露在外。 虽然它的一部分有必要在地面上,但它的一部分仍然在地面上,以保证植物的发展,这也是最基本的。


See_also: 石楠花:起源、好奇心、栽培、用途、装饰


另一个注意点是两个鸢尾花的距离,在这种情况下,它们必须至少相隔30厘米,这样它们才能正常发育。 如果两个鸢尾花种得太近,就会出现根茎和根系都无法充分发育的情况。

因此,如果花种得太近,没有一朵花会看起来那么漂亮或健康。 在这种情况下,最建议每个鸢尾花有自己的花盆,以改善效果。



根茎是一个非常脆弱的结构,需要特别的照顾。 没有它,植物就不会发育,如果它被放在闷热或潮湿的地方,最终可能会发霉或成为害虫的滋生地。

因此,为了避免这种情况,有必要确保土壤具有良好的排水性,即不会出现水涝和积水。 在花盆的情况下,可以通过放置一层碎石来实现,也可以使用陶瓷盆,这往往会吸收土壤中的水分,确保土壤不那么潮湿。

* 不断浇水,但不要浇水过多


Mark Frazier

Mark Frazier is an enthusiastic lover of all things floral and the author behind the blog I Love Flowers. With a keen eye for beauty and a passion for sharing his knowledge, Mark has become a go-to resource for flower enthusiasts of all levels. Mark's fascination with flowers sparked in his childhood, as he spent countless hours exploring the vibrant blooms in his grandmother's garden. Since then, his love for flowers has only blossomed further, leading him to study horticulture and earn a degree in Botany.His blog, I Love Flowers, showcases a wide variety of floral wonders. From classic roses to exotic orchids, Mark's posts feature stunning photos that capture the essence of each bloom. He skillfully highlights the unique characteristics and qualities of every flower he presents, making it easy for readers to appreciate their beauty and unleash their own green thumbs.In addition to showcasing various flower types and their breathtaking visuals, Mark is dedicated to providing practical tips and indispensable care instructions. He believes that anyone can cultivate their own flower garden, regardless of their experience level or space constraints. His easy-to-follow guides outline essential care routines, watering techniques, and suggest suitable environments for each flower species. With his expert advice, Mark empowers readers to nurture and preserve their preciousfloral companions.Beyond the blogosphere, Mark's love for flowers extends into other areas of his life. He frequently volunteers at local botanical gardens, teaching workshops and organizing events to inspire others to embrace the wonders of nature. Additionally, he regularly speaks at gardening conferences, sharing his insights on flower care and offering valuable tips to fellow enthusiasts.Through his blog I Love Flowers, Mark Frazier encourages readers to bring the magic of flowers into their lives. Whether through cultivating small potted plants on a windowsill or transforming an entire backyard into a colorful oasis, he inspires individuals to appreciate and nurture the unending beauty that flowers offer.