
Mark Frazier 24-07-2023
Mark Frazier



A 莲花 是一种水生花卉,主要生长在亚洲。 它出现在平静和安宁的水域,如池塘、红树林和水道。 它的绿叶漂浮在水面上,在这些叶子上面是美丽而精致的花朵。 由于其外观和象征意义,莲花的含义对不同的文化可能有所不同,因此要了解这种花的含义。


⚡️ 走捷径: * 在埃及 *在印度和印度教 *在希腊神话 *在佛教 *在冥想中



此外,它的蓝色版本被埃及人认为是神圣的,并与神有关。 Nefertem 据说从莲花中诞生了拉神(又称Ré)。 Nefertem 其名字可以表示为 "莲花"。

See_also: 蕨类植物:历史与奇闻之旅

埃及人还认为,莲花对宇宙的创造负有责任,因为当什么都没有的时候,只有一朵莲花在所有的黑暗中徘徊。 厌倦了,它请求阿图姆-雷神创造宇宙,为了表示感谢,它开始在夜间用花瓣庇护太阳神,在早晨绽放,以便他能够照亮宇宙。






此外,对印度教来说,莲花的另一个含义是,这种花是四种元素--空气、地球、火和水--相遇后产生的,其中每种元素都给了花一个礼物。 正因为如此,花能够从泥土中升起,穿过水,出现在空气中,具有色彩的美和太阳的温暖。





对于佛教来说,莲花的意义与宗教的出现和实践交织在一起,因为人们相信,当 Siddhartha 后来成为佛陀的他在地球上迈出了最初的七步,七朵莲花在他脚下诞生,因此象征着精神成长的步骤。

See_also: 瑞楠兰:物种、品种、种植和护理



与印度教相似,佛教的莲花也代表着在一个充满依恋和肉欲的世界中的精神成长。 因此,这朵花象征着身体和心灵的纯洁和自由,因此也象征着精神。

正因为如此,佛教徒们四处走动冥想,想象莲花在他们脚下生长,将爱和纯洁传播到全世界。 还因为它的意义在于,莲花出现在佛祖的代表下,而佛祖总是坐在上面。


A 瑜伽 也有莲花的含义,因为它的一个位置被称为莲花,被认为是传统的冥想位置,在这个位置上人们寻求精神上的超越,以及清晰和纯洁。

在这个姿势中,练习者必须盘腿而坐,每个膝盖都弯曲,脚底向上,放在对面的大腿上。 手必须放在膝盖下,这是东方精神的最大象征。


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Mark Frazier

Mark Frazier is an enthusiastic lover of all things floral and the author behind the blog I Love Flowers. With a keen eye for beauty and a passion for sharing his knowledge, Mark has become a go-to resource for flower enthusiasts of all levels. Mark's fascination with flowers sparked in his childhood, as he spent countless hours exploring the vibrant blooms in his grandmother's garden. Since then, his love for flowers has only blossomed further, leading him to study horticulture and earn a degree in Botany.His blog, I Love Flowers, showcases a wide variety of floral wonders. From classic roses to exotic orchids, Mark's posts feature stunning photos that capture the essence of each bloom. He skillfully highlights the unique characteristics and qualities of every flower he presents, making it easy for readers to appreciate their beauty and unleash their own green thumbs.In addition to showcasing various flower types and their breathtaking visuals, Mark is dedicated to providing practical tips and indispensable care instructions. He believes that anyone can cultivate their own flower garden, regardless of their experience level or space constraints. His easy-to-follow guides outline essential care routines, watering techniques, and suggest suitable environments for each flower species. With his expert advice, Mark empowers readers to nurture and preserve their preciousfloral companions.Beyond the blogosphere, Mark's love for flowers extends into other areas of his life. He frequently volunteers at local botanical gardens, teaching workshops and organizing events to inspire others to embrace the wonders of nature. Additionally, he regularly speaks at gardening conferences, sharing his insights on flower care and offering valuable tips to fellow enthusiasts.Through his blog I Love Flowers, Mark Frazier encourages readers to bring the magic of flowers into their lives. Whether through cultivating small potted plants on a windowsill or transforming an entire backyard into a colorful oasis, he inspires individuals to appreciate and nurture the unending beauty that flowers offer.